More maps are being uploaded for delivery!
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 12:44:30 AM
Hey all!
It is very busy for us but much has been happening behind the scenes here on the maps.
First thing I want to say is....
I have seen the Fifth Edition Rappan Athuk layout rough. It blew away my expectations which were pretty high. It is a very beautiful book.
It is also very on time. The Tome of Horrors is also moving at a frenzy with Chuck Wright and I discussing layout and art assets (well him telling me how it will lay down on the page and me giving him helpful suggestions.
Layout guys love suggestions.
We are a bit behind on getting you the maps files because I want to get them to you in the most up to date and useful form possible.
Maps, maps, maps!!
I have spent a significant amount of time making sure the feedback we have been getting from our editors and detail oriented fans gets incorporated into the digital files. The FGG editors and a few, very attentive and helpful backers made the resulting maps for everyone who will be gaming in Rappan Athuk.
So part of the delayed delivery is the sheer amount of time to evaluate and implement these kinds of changes. It is time I am happy to spend (really, its awesome) but these fixes are prioritized for the print maps which were approved by Skeeter and handed over layout a couple of weeks ago. Currently I am fixing each of the 100 layered maps in boring but useful ways (layer clean-up, unlabeled 'player map' exports etc.).
That is lot of words for, 'you will be getting your map digital files soon'. I think they are great maps and am sure you will agree.
So when will everything digital arrive?
Tomorrow I expect to have the links on Backerkit for...
- Rappan Athuk Level 1-3 Underground Maps (PSD, JPEG and JPEG unlabeled)
- Wilderness Maps W-1 through W-9 (PSD, JPEG and JPEG unlabeled)
- Some fixes to the earlier released maps, you may get a file update email for BK and this would be why.
probably by next week...
I will have the majority of the Rappan Athuk levels in all three filevversions. I did most of Level 4-7 today and hope to have 8-11 finished by the weekend. However, many things might pull be away and adjust that a few days.
Extras, Extras!!
Vault Maps
I am about to start looking at the 'secret' 30 PSD maps from our cartographer for the RA project. They did not find there way into the text and won't be available to anyone else anytime soon (if ever). You will be getting a bunch of those after the main book is the the hands of the printing company.
![Here is a peek at one...](
Zach's RA Maps Library on Adobe Creative Cloud
The resources we used to manipulate, correct and alter the maps are now shared through my CC account.It is free for non-commercial use, and that is a fair price. That is my unorganized and over-filled maps CC library. It was as useful as it is disorganized. The colors, the character styles and many of the small objects from the maps themselves are in there.
If you are planning on doing customized versions for use in your own creations feel free to take a look. If you don't do use adobe creative cloud software I will have a share of most of these resources available to you soon as well.
Yours in Orcus!
Zach Glazar, Frog God Games